Meeting Date:
Consent Agenda A - Routine Business |
(Item A-17) Woodbridge Elementary School Re-Roofing Project 3213-4416-4 Deductive Change Order 1 (Mrs. Holbert) |
Exhibit A and Exhibit B Woodbridge Elementary School Re-Roofing Project Final Deductive Change Order 1 |
File Attachment:
A change order is the formal documentation of an authorized change in scope to a construction contract. Approval for ratifications is presented for the following project: Roof Replacement at Woodbridge Elementary School Final Approval #1 ($6,139.82). All of the change order items within these Approvals have been authorized in the field by the District, as necessary modifications to complete the project, or to meet District requirements, and are submitted at this time for ratification by the Board of Education. The “A” Exhibits describe the details of the changes for all of the subject projects, while the “B” Exhibit summarizes cumulative contract changes for the Re-Roofing at Woodbridge Elementary School. |
This project was funded by ESSER III Funding. |
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve ratification of the changes itemized and summarize cumulative contract changes in the Attached Exhibits. |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Joe Patty - Director III, Maintenance & Operations |
Signed By: |
Edith Holbert - Executive Director of Operations |
Signed By: |
Neil Young - Superintendent |