Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
2/7/2023 - 7:00 PM  
Consent Agenda A - Routine Business  
(Item A-10) Resolution 2023-17 Filing Revised Notice of Completion- John Muir and Ellerth Larson Schools Paving and Parking Lot Project No. (0918-8218 and 0922-8222) (Mr. Kahn)  
Resolution 2023-17  
File Attachment:
Reso 2023-17 Revised Notice of Completion Muir and Larson Paving.ADA.pdf
On February 22, 2022 the Board of Education adopted Resolution 2022-19 awarding a contract to BRCO Constructors, Inc., of Rocklin in the total amount of $1,412,000.00. There was a deductive change order for this project in the amount of ($76,781.93). The final contract price is $1,335,218.07. All work associated with this project has now been completed. This action will authorize the acceptance of the contract and filing of the NOC for the John Muir and E. Larson School Paving and Parking Lot Project.  
This project was funded by Measure U.  
It is recommended the Board of Education adopt Resolution 2023-17.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Vickie Brum - Planning Analyst II
Signed By:  
Leonard Kahn - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:  
Neil Young - Associate Superintendent
Signed By:  
Cathy Washer - Superintendent