Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
2/6/2024 - 7:00 PM  
Proposed Revisions to Board and Rule 3513.3 Tobacco-Free Schools; Board Policy and Rule 3514 Environmental Safety: Board Policy and Rule 3514.1 Hazardous Substances: Board Rule 3514.2 Integrated Pest Management; Board Policy and Rule 3515.2 Disruptions; Board Policy and Rule 3515.5 Sex Offender Information; Board Policy, Rule and Exhibit 3515.21 Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Drones; Board Policy and Rule 3516 Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan; Board Policy and Rule 3516.1 Fire Drills and Fires; Board Rule 3516.3 Earthquake Emergency Procedure System; Board Policy 3516.5 Emergency Schedules; Board Policy and Rule 3517 Building Security; Board Policy and Rule 3530 Risk Management/Insurance (Mr. Kahn)  
File Attachment:
Policy 3513.3 - Tobacco-Free Schools.ada.pdf
Rule 3513.3 - Tobacco-Free Schools.ada.pdf
Policy 3514 - Environmental Safety.ada.pdf
Rule 3514 - Environmental Safety.ada.pdf
Policy 3514.1 - Hazardous Substances.ada.pdf
Rule 3514.1 - Hazardous Substances.ada.pdf
Rule 3514.2 - Integrated Pest Management.ada.pdf
Policy 3515.2 - Disruptions.ada.pdf
Rule 3515.2 - Disruptions.ada.pdf
Policy 3515.5 - Sex Offender Information.ada.pdf
Rule 3515.5 - Sex Offender Information.ada.pdf
Policy 3515.21 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones).ada.pdf
Rule 3515.21 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones).ada.pdf
Exhibit 3515.21 (a) - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones).ada.pdf
Exhibit 3515.21 (b) - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones).ada.pdf
Policy 3516 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan.ada.pdf
Rule 3516 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan.ada.pdf
Policy 3516.1 - Fire Drills and Fires.ada.pdf
Rule 3516.1 - Fire Drills and Fires.ada.pdf
Rule 3516.3 - Earthquake Emergency Procedure System.ada.pdf
Policy 3516.5 - Emergency Schedules.ada.pdf
Policy 3517 - Building Security.ada.pdf
Rule 3517 - Building Security.ada.pdf
Policy 3530 - Risk Management - Insurance.ada.pdf
Rule 3530 - Risk Management - Insurance.ada.pdf
Revisions to Board Policies and Rules are being presented for the purpose of keeping current and compliant with California law and district practice. Policies require adoption and will be returned to the Board for that purpose at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Leonard Kahn - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:  
Neil Young - Superintendent