Public Agenda
TYPE: Board Meeting
DATE: 11/2/2021 TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: James Areida Education Support Center
Public Participation
Fully vaccinated individuals are no longer required to wear a mask at Board meetings. If you are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you please stay home and consult your health professional. The Board assumes no liability for any health risks to members of the public who attend and they do so at their own risk. Info
Call to Order
Closed Session 6:00 p.m./Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. Info
Public Comment on Closed Session Items
The public may comment on Closed Session agenda items prior to the Board adjourning to Closed Session. Info
Adjourn to Closed Session
Closed Session
Personnel Matters: Public Employee Appointment-Employment; Public Employee Performance Evaluation; Public Employee Discipline-Dismissal-Release (Mr. McKilligan) Info/Action
Conference with Labor Negotiators (Mr. McKilligan) Mr. McKilligan, Assistant Superintendent, Personnel, will discuss, on an as-necessary basis, negotiations with Employee Group Representatives. Info/Action
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation (Gov't Code 54956.9) (Mr. Kahn) Significant exposure to litigation: One (1) potential case. Info/Action
K-12 Student Discipline Cases (Mr. McGregor) Info
Reconvene Public Meeting
Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance
Roll will be called and the President will lead in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Info
Report on Actions from Closed Session
The Board President will report on action taken in Closed Session. Info
Public Hearings
Lodi Unified School District Contract Re-Openers with Lodi Education Association (LEA) for the 2021-22 Year, which proposes an improvement of 5.07% to the total compensation (salary and benefits) (Mr. McKilligan) Info
Lodi Unified School District Contract Re-openers with California School Employees Association (CSEA) for the 2021-22 Year, which proposes an improvement of 5.07% to the total compensation (salary and benefits) (Mr. McKilligan) Info
Lodi Unified School District Contract Re-openers with Lodi Unified Supervisorial Group (LUSG) for the 2021-22 Year, which proposes an improvement of 5.07% to the total compensation (salary and benefits) (Mr. McKilligan) Info
Lodi Unified School District Contract Re-openers with Lodi Pupil Personnel Association (LPPA) for the 2021-22 Year, which proposes an improvement of 5.07% to the total compensation (salary and benefits) (Mr. McKilligan) Info
National School Psychology Week – November 8-12, 2021 Info
Lodi Middle School: PBIS/Advisory Program & Mini Grant/STEM Enrichment Info
Superintendent and Staff Member Reports
Superintendent's Report Info
Comments from Student Representatives
Student Representatives to present reports. Info
Comments from the Public
A 20-minute time period has been set aside for the public to address the Board on items NOT listed on the agenda. Each public speaker shall limit his/her comments to three (3) minutes, but is welcome to distribute any materials to Board and/or staff. The Board cannot engage in dialogue about public comments because of restrictions placed by the California Brown Act. Info
Consent Agenda A - Routine Business Action
(Item A-3) Purchase Order Detail Report (Mr. Kahn) As per Board Policy 3300, all transactions entered into by the Superintendent or designee on behalf of the Board shall be reviewed every 60 days. Action
(Item A-5) Donations (Mr. Kahn) The attached listing itemizes donations for Lodi Unified School District from July 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021. Action
(Item A-6) Intent to Hold Annual Organizational Meeting as Required by Education Code 35143 (Dr. Washer) Announcement of the Board's Intent to hold its Annual Organizational Meeting on December 14, 2021. Action
(Item A-7) California School Employees Association (CSEA) Re-Openers for the 2021-22 Year (Mr. McKilligan) California School Employees Association declares re-openers for the 2021-22 year as outlined in the attached letter. Action
(Item A-8) Lodi Unified Supervisorial Group (LUSG) Re-Openers for the 2021-22 Year (Mr. McKilligan) Lodi Unified Supervisorial Group declares re-openers for the 2021-22 year as outlined in the attached letter. Action
(Item A-9) Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 19, 2021 (Dr. Washer) Action
Individual Action on Items Pulled from Consent Agenda A - Routine Business
(Item A-1) Contracts List (Mr. Kahn) As per Board Policy 3312, to be valid or to constitute an enforceable obligation against the district, contracts must be approved and/or ratified by the Board. Action
(Item A-2) Warrant Report (Mr. Khan) Action
(Item A-4) Changes to the Adopted Budget (Mr. Kahn). Staff is recommending approval of the changes to the adopted budget/carryover from 2020-21 school year. Action
Consent Agenda B - Student Discipline Cases Action
(Item B-1) Expulsion: Student # 21/22-11-13 Action
(Item B-2) Expulsion: Student # 21/22-7-14 Action
(Item B-3) Reinstatement: Student # 19/20-10-40 Action
Individual Action on Items Pulled from Consent Agenda B - Student Matters
Personnel Matters
Approval of Certificated and Classified Personnel Matters (Mr. McKilligan) The Board will approve routine personnel matters. Info/Action
Update on Houston School Enrollment and Discussion of Potential Program Options (Mr. Young) Info
Comments from Employee Group Representatives Info
Comments from Board Members Info
Comments from the Superintendent Info
Board Advisory Committee Reports
Board Members will report on discussions from various Board Advisory/Subcommittee meetings. Info
Closed Session (continued if necessary)
Americans with Disabilities Act
Any individual requiring disability-related accommodations or modification, including auxiliary aids and services in order to participate in the meeting, should contact the following person at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of a regular meeting to make arrangements for such reasonable accommodations: Michelle Armstrong, Executive Assistant to the Board of Education, Superintendent's Office at 209-331-7004 or Info
Posted by 5:00 p.m., October 28, 2021, on the District's website at (Board of Education: Electronic School Board), and at the James Areida Education Support Center, 1305 East Vine Street, Lodi, CA 95240. Info