Public Agenda
TYPE: Board of Education - Regular Meeting
DATE: 3/5/2024 TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: James Areida Education Support Center
DETAILS: Closed Session 6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Closed Session 6:00 p.m. / Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. Info
Public Comment on Closed Session Items
The public may comment on Closed Session agenda items prior to the Board adjourning to Closed Session. Info
Adjourn to Closed Session
Closed Session
Conference with Labor Negotiators (Dr. Dosty) Dr. Dosty, Assistant Superintendent, Personnel, will discuss, on an as-necessary basis, negotiations with Employee Group Representatives; and Discussion on Unrepresented Employee Groups (Gov. Code 54954.5(f); 3549.1) Info/Action
Personnel Matters: Public Employee Appointment-Employment; Public Employee Performance Evaluation; Public Employee Discipline-Dismissal-Release (Gov. Code 54957) (Dr. Dosty) Info/Action
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (Gov't Code 54956.9) (Mr. Kahn) Significant Exposure to Litigation: Claim #634681 Info/Action
Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (Gov't Code 54956.9) (Mr. Kahn) Significant Exposure to Litigation: Claim #634840 Info/Action
K-12 Student Discipline Cases (Mr. Warren) Info
Reconvene Public Meeting
Roll Call/Pledge of Allegiance
Roll will be called and the President will lead in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Info
Report on Actions from Closed Session
The Board President will report on action taken in Closed Session. Info
Superintendent and Staff Member Reports
Superintendent's Report Info
Comments from Student Representatives
Student Representatives to present reports. Info
Comments from Employee Group Representatives
Each employee group representative shall limit their comments to five (5) minutes. Info
Comments from the Public
A 20-minute time period has been set aside for the public to address the Board on items NOT listed on the agenda. Each public speaker shall limit their comments to three (3) minutes, but is welcome to distribute any materials to Board and/or staff. The Board cannot engage in dialogue about public comments because of restrictions placed by the California Brown Act. Info
Public Comments on Consent Agenda A
The public may address the Board on Consent Agenda A - Routine Business. Each public speaker shall limit comments to three (3) minutes. Info
Consent Agenda A - Routine Business
(Item A-1) Contracts List (Mr. Kahn) As per Board Policy 3312, to be valid or to constitute an enforceable obligation against the district, contracts must be approved and/or ratified by the Board. Action
(Item A-2) Approval of Certificated and Classified Personnel Matters (Dr. Dosty) Action
(Item A-4) Resolution 2024-20 Designation of Lodi Unified School District as the Lead District and Member of the Super USDA Food Co-Op Joint Powers Authority for the 2024-2025 School Year (Mr. Kahn) Action
(Item A-5) Resolution 2024-21 Authorization to Use Sole Source Provider - Edwards Systems Technology (Mr. Kahn) Action
(Item A-6) Resolution 2024-22 Approval of Architect Proposal for Warehouse I.T. Office Addition (Mr. Kahn) Action
(Item A-7) Resolution 2024-23 Approval of Architect Proposal for District Office Server Room Sprinkler Modification (Mr. Kahn) Action
(Item A-8) Resolution 2024-24 Approval of Architect Proposal for Warehouse Refrigerator-Freezer Emergency Generator (Mr. Kahn) Action
(Item A-9) Resolution 2024-25 Award of Contract and Authorization to Begin Work for the Phase 3 Flooring Replacement at Multiple School Sites- Project No. 3213-4416-9 (Mr. Kahn) Action
(Item A-10) Resolution 2024-26 Authorization to Award for Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS) Replacement (District-wide) (Mr. Kahn) Action
(Item A-11) Authorization to Use Sole Source Provider - Fork Farms (Mr. Kahn) Action
(Item A-12) Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 20, 2024 (Mr. Young) Action
(Item A-13) Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 28, 2024 (Mr. Young) Action
Individual Action on Items Pulled from Consent Agenda A - Routine Business
(Item A-3) Resolution 2024-18 Authorization to Advertise and Solicit Bids for the Valley Robotics Academy/Henderson Classroom Remodel Project No. 0826-8426 (Mr. Kahn) Action
Public Comments on Consent Agenda B
The public may address the Board on Consent Agenda B - Student Matters. Each public speaker shall limit comments to three (3) minutes. Info
Consent Agenda B - Student Discipline Cases
(Item B-1) Expulsion: Student # 23/24-10-55 Action
(Item B-2) Expulsion: Student # 23/24-7-56 Action
(Item B-3) Expulsion: Student # 23/24-8-57 Action
(Item B-4) Expulsion: Student # 23/24-8-58 Action
(Item B-5) Expulsion: Student # 23/24-7-59 Action
Individual Action on Items Pulled from Consent Agenda B - Student Matters
Other Action Items
(Item OAI-1) Approval of Primary Logo for Lawrence Elementary School (Mr. Young) Info/Action
(Item OAI-2) Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials (AMIM) Discretionary Block Grant (Dr. Sahli) Info/Action
(Item OAI-3) Resolution 2024-19 Emergency Work at Ronald E. McNair High School (Mr. Kahn) Info/Action
(Item OAI-4) Proposed Revisions to Board Policy 3250 Transportation and Fees; Board Policy 3541 Student Transportation; Board Policy 3541.1 Other Uses of Buses and Equipment; Board Policy 3541.2 Transportation for Pupils with Disabilities; Board Policy 3541.3 Operation of Buses and Equipment; Board 3541.4 Acquisition and Maintenance of Buses, Vehicles and Equipment; Board Policy 3541.6 Transportation of Pupils Other Than Home-To-School; Board Policy3543 Transportation Safety and Emergencies; Board Policy 3543.1 Inclement Weather and Adverse Driving Conditions; Board Policy 3550 Food Service Child Nutrition Program; Board Policy3551 Food Service Operations/Cafeteria Fund; Board Policy 3553 Free and Reduced Price Meals; Board Policy 3554 Other Food Sales; Board Policy 3555 Nutrition Program Compliance (Mr. Kahn) Info/Action
(Item OAI-5) AB1200 Documents for Lodi Unified School District Employee Group: Lodi Pupil Personnel Association (LPPA) (Mr. Kahn) Info/Action
(Item OAI-6) Approval of the Tentative Agreement with Lodi Pupil Personnel Association (LPPA) (Dr. Dosty) Info/Action
(Item OAI-7) AB1200 Documents for Lodi Unified School District Employee Group: Lodi Unified School District Administrators Association (LUSDAA) (Mr. Kahn) Info/Action
(Item OAI-8) Improvement to the Lodi Unified School District Administrators Association (LUSDAA) Salary Schedule to Reflect Salary Improvement in Alignment with the District's Proposal to other Employee Groups for the 2023/2024 School Year (Dr. Dosty) Info/Action
English Learner Board Report (Dr. Sahli) Info
Proposed revisions to Board Policy 0440.1 Cybersecurity and Data Privacy; Board Policy 3100 District Budget; Board Policy and Rule 3330 Use of District Funds for Payment of Meals and/or Refreshments at District Functions; Board Policy 3544 Equipment Assigned to Schools; Board Policy 3561 Lending School Property; Board Policy 3570 Consultants; Board Policy 3580 District Records; Board Policy 7000 Concepts and Roles; Board Policy 7110 Facilities Planning; Board Policy and Rule 7140 Construction-Selection of Architects; Board Policy 7150 Facilities Site Selection; Board Policy 7160 Cellular Towers; Board Policy and Rule 7170 New Construction-Naming of Facilities; Board Policy and Rule 7214 Facilities-General Obligation Bonds; Board Policy 7310 New Construction-Naming of Facilities (Mr. Kahn) Info
Board Advisory Committee Reports
Comments from Board Members
Closed Session (continued if necessary)
Americans with Disabilities Act
Any individual requiring disability-related accommodations or modification, including auxiliary aids and services in order to participate in the meeting, should contact the following person at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of a regular meeting to make arrangements for such reasonable accommodations: Michelle Armstrong, Executive Assistant to the Board of Education, Superintendent's Office at 209-331-7004 or Info
Posted by 5:00 p.m., February 29, 2024, on the District's website at (Board of Education: Electronic School Board), and at the James Areida Education Support Center, 1305 East Vine Street, Lodi, CA 95240. Info