Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/2/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: Consent Agenda A - Routine Business
Type: Action
Subject: (Item-A-5) Resolution 2024-37 Notice of Completion for Lodi High Inc. 1 (Mr. Kahn)
Enclosure Resolution 2024-37 Notice of Completion for Lodi High Inc. 1.ADA Lodi High Inc 1 Final Change Order.ADA
File Attachment:
Reso 2024-37 Notice of Completion Lodi HS Inc 1.ADA.pdf
Lodi High Inc 1 Final Change Order.ADA.pdf
Summary: On April 2, 2019 the Board of Education adopted Resolution 2019-36 awarding a contract to A.M. Stephens Construction Co., Inc. in the total amount of $14,530,126. A deductive Final Change Order of $115,812.01 was approved. The final contract price is $14,414,313.99. All work associated with this project has now been completed. This action will authorize the acceptance of the contract and filing of the NOC for the Lodi High School Inc. 1 Project.
Funding: This project was funded with Measure U funds.
Recommendation: It is recommended the Board of Education adopt Resolution 2024-37.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Leonard Kahn - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Neil Young - Superintendent