Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/5/2023 - 7:00 PM
Category: Reports
Type: Info
Subject: Proposed Revisions to Board Bylaws (9121, 9200, 9220, 9260, 9310, 9321, 9321.1, 9323.2) (Mr. Young)
File Attachment:
BB 9121 President.ada.pdf
BB 9200 Limits of Board Member Authority.ada.pdf
BB 9220 Governing Board Elections.ada.pdf
BB 9223 Filling Vacancies.ada.pdf
BB 9260 Legal Protection.ada.pdf
BB 9310 Board Policies.ada.pdf
BB 9321 Closed Session.ada.pdf
BB 9321.1 Closed Session Actions and Reports.ada.pdf
BB 9323.2 Actions By The Board.ada.pdf
BB 9324 Minutes and Recordings.ada.pdf
Summary: Revisions to Board Bylaws are being presented for the purpose of keeping current and compliant with California law and District practice. Staff is in the process of updating all Board Bylaws; thus, the proposed revisions will be presented as report items followed by action items, in manageable groups, over the next several meetings.
Funding: There is no cost associated with this Board item.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Neil Young - Superintendent