Meeting Date:
6/18/2024 - 7:00 PM
Consent Agenda A - Routine Business
(Item A-10) Resolution 2024-70 Authorization to Amend the Contract Agreement for the Westwood Elementary Playground Replacement & Shade Structure Project No. 6128-4316 (Mr. Young)
Reso 2024-70 Westwood Playground Contract Amendment.ADA
Westwood Contract Agreement.ADA
File Attachment:
On April 16, 2024, Board of Education approved the Award of Contract and Authorization to Begin Work for the Westwood Elementary Playground Replacement & Shade Structure Project No. 6128-4316 with Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. dba GameTime in the amount of $193,544.00 which includes a 10 percent district-controlled allowance.
The contractor mistakenly did not include the cost of the purchase and installation of shade structure as part of the submitted agreement; however, the quote for the shade structure was included in the complete bid submittal. The additional amount of $44,955.35, which includes a 10 percent district-controlled allowance is necessary to complete the full project scope. The amended agreement price will be $238,499.35 which includes a 10 percent district-controlled allowance and still qualifies Playcore Wisconsin, Inc. dba GameTime as the lowest bidder.
Staff requests to amend the contract agreement of an additional $44,955.35 to complete the full project scope.
The project is being funded by Early Education Funds.
It is recommended that the Board of Education Approve Resolution 2024-70.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Edith Holbert - Director Technology Services
Signed By:
Neil Young - Superintendent