Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 2/6/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: Other Action Item
Type: Info/Action
Subject: (Item OAI-1) Measure U Bond Oversight Committee Annual Report to Keep the Public Informed of Measure U Bond Expenditures (Mr. Kahn)
Enclosure Measure U Committee Annual Report 2020-2022.ADA LUSD Final Audit Reports 2020-2022.ADA
File Attachment:
Measure U Committee Annual Report 2020-2022.ADA.pdf
LUSD 2020 Final Audit Report.ADA.pdf
LUSD 2021 Final Audit Report.ADA.pdf
LUSD 2022 Final Audit Report.ADA.pdf
Summary: Section 7(b) of the Bylaws of the Measure U Citizens’ Oversight Committee requires that the Committee complete a report at the conclusion of each fiscal year regarding the Committee’s review of activities on the expenditure of Measure U bond proceeds; the tax rate not exceeding $60/$100,000 of assessed value; expenditure of bond funds on project costs and not used on teacher or administrative salaries or other operating expenses; and the performance and financial audit of bond funds. The Committee has completed its annual report (Fiscal 2020-2022), which will be presented by the Committee for acceptance by the Board. After acceptance, it will be part of the permanent record of the Committee, and available to the public on the District’s website and in printed form upon request.
Funding: There is no direct financial impact as a result of this action.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Education accept and approve the 2020-2022 Measure U Annual Report.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Leonard Kahn - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Neil Young - Superintendent