Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/16/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: Consent Agenda A - Routine Business
Type: Action
Subject: (Item A-12) Resolution 2024-41 Rejection of Bids for the Sutherland Head Start Portable Relocation Project No. 5870-6123 (Mr. Kahn)
Enclosure Reso 2024-41 Rejection of Bids Sutherland Head Start Portable.ADA
File Attachment:
Reso 2024-41 Rejection of Bids Sutherland Head Start Portable.ADA.pdf
Summary: On June 14, 2022, Resolution 2022-57, the Board of Education of Lodi Unified School District authorized staff to advertise a “Notice to Potential Bidders” for the Sutherland Head Start Portable Relocation Project. Bids were received and evaluated and due to San Joaquin County withdrawing funding, staff recommends the rejection of all bids. Approval of this Resolution will reject all bids and authorize staff to re-bid at a later date.
Funding: There is no financial impact at this time.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Education Approve Resolution 2024-41.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Leonard Kahn - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Neil Young - Superintendent