Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 3/5/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: Other Action Items
Type: Info/Action
Subject: (Item OAI-8) Improvement to the Lodi Unified School District Administrators Association (LUSDAA) Salary Schedule to Reflect Salary Improvement in Alignment with the District's Proposal to other Employee Groups for the 2023/2024 School Year (Dr. Dosty)
File Attachment:
LUSDAA Agreement_Rev. 02.29.24.ada.pdf
Summary: Improvement to the Lodi Unified School District Administrators Association (LUSDAA) Salary Schedule to Reflect Salary Improvement in Alignment with the District's Proposal to other Employee Groups for the 2023/2024 School Year (Dr. Dosty) LUSDAA Ongoing Breakdown: 5% salary schedule increase, consistent with other employee groups. Adjustment to master’s and doctorate stipends to match the Lodi Education Association (LEA). Current master’s stipend $1,000.00 LEA master’s stipend $1,962.00 Current doctorate stipend $1,500.00 LEA doctorate stipend $3,531.61 LUSDAA One-Time Financial Breakdown: FY 2023-24 one-time compensation $1,097,528.22 Additional FY 2023-24 one-time master’s or doctorate stipend cost $114,699.71 Remaining one-time payout for LUSDAA members $982,828.51 Total one-time payout per LUSDAA member $7,738.80
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Education take action.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Neil Young - Superintendent