Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 3/5/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: Reports
Type: Info
Subject: Proposed revisions to Board Policy 0440.1 Cybersecurity and Data Privacy; Board Policy 3100 District Budget; Board Policy and Rule 3330 Use of District Funds for Payment of Meals and/or Refreshments at District Functions; Board Policy 3544 Equipment Assigned to Schools; Board Policy 3561 Lending School Property; Board Policy 3570 Consultants; Board Policy 3580 District Records; Board Policy 7000 Concepts and Roles; Board Policy 7110 Facilities Planning; Board Policy and Rule 7140 Construction-Selection of Architects; Board Policy 7150 Facilities Site Selection; Board Policy 7160 Cellular Towers; Board Policy and Rule 7170 New Construction-Naming of Facilities; Board Policy and Rule 7214 Facilities-General Obligation Bonds; Board Policy 7310 New Construction-Naming of Facilities (Mr. Kahn)
File Attachment:
Policy 0440.1 - Cybersecurity and Data Privacy.ada.pdf
Policy 3100 - District Budget.ada.pdf
Policy 3330 - Use of District Funds for Payment of Meals and-or Refreshments at District Functions.ada.pdf
Rule 3330 - Use of District Funds for Payment of Meals and-or Refreshments at District Functions.ada.pdf
Policy 3544 - Equipment Assigned to Schools.ada.pdf
Policy 3561 - Lending School Property.ada.pdf
Policy 3570 - Consultants.ada.pdf
Policy 3580 - District Records.ada.pdf
Policy 7000 - Concepts and Roles.ada.pdf
Policy 7110 - Facilities Planning.ada.pdf
Policy 7140 - Construction - Selection of Architects.ada.pdf
Rule 7140 - Construction - Selection of Architect.ada.pdf
Policy 7150 - Facilities Site Selection.ada.pdf
Policy 7160 - Cellular Towers.ada.pdf
Policy 7170 - New Construction-Charter School Facilities.ada.pdf
Rule 7170 - New Construction-Charter School Facilities.ada.pdf
Policy 7214 - Facilities-General Obligation Bonds.ada.pdf
Rule 7214 - Facilities-General Obligation Bonds.ada.pdf
Policy 7310 - New Construction-Naming of Facilities.ada.pdf
Summary: Revisions to Board Policies and Rules are being presented for the purpose of keeping current and compliant with California law and district practice. Policies require adoption and will be returned to the Board for that purpose at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Funding: There is no cost associated with the revisions.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Leonard Kahn - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Neil Young - Superintendent