Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 2/8/2022 - 7:00 PM
Category: Other Action Items
Type: Info/Action
Subject: (Item OAI-1) Selection of Revised Trustee Area Boundary Map; Adoption of Resolution 2022-14 Approving Revised Trustee Area Boundary Map Based On 2020 Federal Census Data (Mr. Kahn)
File Attachment:
Plan A with Schools.ada.pdf
Plan B with Schools.ada.pdf
Lodi USD Trustee Area Review.ada.pdf
Summary: The District currently utilizes a “by-trustee area” election system with seven trustee areas and voters elect their District trustee based on the specific area in which the voter lives.

The United States Census Bureau recently released data from the 2020 census. For school districts using by-trustee area elections, the release of this data triggers the District’s obligation to determine whether any adjustments to Trustee Area boundaries are necessary to ensure the population in each area is the same proportion of the total population of the District as each of the other areas. (Ed. Code, § 5019.5.) Unlike the process to transition from at-large to by-trustee area elections, the procedure for adjusting trustee areas following release of the census data does not require a specific process, although it must be accomplished by March 1, 2022.

As part of the process, the District’s demographer, Davis Demographics, Inc., analyzed the current Trustee Area boundaries against the 2020 Census data and confirmed that they are out of compliance and will need to be revised. At the January 18, 2022, Board meeting Davis Demographics, Inc. presented the Board with an overview of the results of the 2020 Census data as it pertains to the District’s demographics, and presented two map scenario options, each with proposed revisions to trustee area boundaries, to re-establish the required population balance between the areas.

The Board will select one of the revised trustee area maps presented by adopting the resolution presented and once adopted Davis Demographics will provide the Final Trustee Area Map and descriptions to the County Registrar of Voters prior to the statutory deadline.
Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board of Education Adopt Resolution 2022-14 Adopting Revised Trustee Area Map Based on 2020 Federal Census Data
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Leonard Kahn - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Cathy Washer - Superintendent