Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/2/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: Individual Action on Items Pulled from Consent Agenda A - Routine Business
Type: Action
Subject: (Item A-7) Proposed Revisions to Board Policies: 3110 Transfer of Funds; 3230 Federal Grant Funds; 3260 Fees and Charges; 3316 Purchases of Equipment by Student Organizations; 3320 Claims Against the District; 3325 Conferences/Meals/Travel Expenditures; 3330 Use of District Funds for Payment of Meals and/or Refreshments at District Functions; 3400 Management of District Assets/Accounts; 3430 Investing; 3452 Student Activity Funds; 3460 Financial Reports and Accountability; 3470 Debt Issuance and Management; 3470.1 Fraud; 3515.4 Recovery for District Property Loss or Damage (Mr. Kahn)
File Attachment:
Policy 3110- Transfer of Funds.ada.pdf
Policy 3230 - Federal Grant Funds.ADA.pdf
Policy 3260 - Fees and Charges.ada.pdf
Policy 3316 - Purchase of Equipment by Student Org.ada.pdf
Policy 3320 - Claims and Actions Against the District.ada.pdf
Policy 3325 - Conferences-Meals-Travel.ada.pdf
Policy 3330 - Use of District Funds for Payment Meals.ada.pdf
Policy 3400 - Mgmt of District Assets-Accounts.ada.pdf
Policy 3430 - Investing.ada.pdf
Policy 3452- Student Activity Funds.ada.pdf
Policy 3460 - Financial Reports and Accountability.ada.pdf
Policy 3470- Debt Issuance and Management.ada.pdf
Policy 3470.1- Fraud.ada.pdf
Policy 3515.4 - Recovery for District Property Loss or Damage.ada .pdf
Summary: Revisions to Board Policies and Rules are being presented for the purpose of keeping current and compliant with California law and district practice. Policies require adoption and will be returned to the Board for that purpose at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Funding: There is no cost for these budget revisions.
Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Board Policy revisions.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Leonard Kahn - Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Neil Young - Superintendent